RMBT "Come Try It Out" Day!
A Try-It-Out Session is a chance to give mountain biking a try, whether it’s your first time or you just want to meet other racers! Student-athletes who will be in 6th – 12th grades for the 23/24 school year are eligible.
Required athlete equipment: bikes, helmet, closed-toed athletic shoes with laces
If you need a bike or helmet, be sure to indicate that on your registration.
Coaches will
Check the participant in
Do a quick equipment check
Provide basic instruction
Ride as a group
The actual ride will take about 60 minutes

Global Fat Bike Day Ride
On Saturday December 3rd join us for Global Fat Bike Day! Meet at the Gamehaven pavilion at 10am (enter from Simpson Road and follow Gamehaven Roads). There will be a lunch break as well as a second ride beginning at 1pm. All are welcome!