RASC is launching the Gamehaven Campaign to ramp up its commitment to Nordic skiing in Rochester and helping young skiers develop a lifetime sport. With your help, we aim to raise $200,000 to:
Contribute toward funding the snowmaking effort at Gamehaven Park, in partnership with Rochester Parks & Recreation
Support ski trail grooming equipment to be used at Quarry Hill and Essex Park
Support programs for the Rochester Nordic Ski Team and its mission of helping young skiers “Develop a Lifetime Sport.” Over 1000 young skiers from Rochester and surrounding communities have joined RNST since it was launched in 2002. The funding will help support ongoing programs, including scholarships to skiers who need help covering the $100 RNST registration fee or to attend the annual 3-day ski camp.
* Please consider paying by check for all donation amounts over $500 since this will save RASC the 2.9% credit card processing fee.
Thank you for your generous support!
Date: 3/23/2023. First successful testing of the 2 snow guns at Gamehaven park.

This campaign is an order of magnitude larger than anything we have attempted before, but we believe it will be the foundation for providing winter activities to our community and kids for years to come.
If you or a family member are a Nordic skier, you know the benefits you enjoy in Rochester because of RASC and its volunteer groomers and ski coaches, which we estimate put in over 2000 volunteer hours each year.
You also know firsthand the challenges we face in getting enough snow to maintain these trails so we can all enjoy the sport we love through the winter. Major thaws and even rain in January and February are now common.
We are reaching out to you as a member of the Rochester Nordic skiing community to ask you to contribute to RASC’s Gamehaven Campaign, which aims to raise $200,000:
$150,000 to fund RASC’s commitment to Rochester Park & Recreation for snowmaking equipment.
$30,000 as capital for nordic ski trail grooming equipment needed for Essex Park and Quarry Hill
$20,000 to support the Rochester Nordic Ski Team, including skier scholarships and funding for RNST’s annual ski camp.
Please click on the link above to take you to the page to make your donation. All donors over $100 to the Gamehaven Campaign will be recognized on RASC’s website and in a new donor recognition sign at Gamehaven Park (unless you choose to remain anonymous). RASC is a 501C3 non-profit organization and you will receive a receipt confirming your tax-deductible contribution.

Rochester Active Sports Club
When RASC was formed in 2000, one of the main drivers was to create advocacy for silent sports in Rochester, especially Nordic skiing and cycling. At that time, there was only one ungroomed ski trail at Eastwood. We also realized that most of the skiers at Eastwood on any given winter day were over 40 years old! RASC was founded in part to help address the lack of facilities for Nordic skiing in our community. This led to the development of new trails in both Quarry Hill and Essex Park, the purchasing of grooming equipment and volunteer grooming teams to maintain these trails. To address the “over 40” issue, the Rochester Nordic Ski Team was launched to bring youth into the sport we love, with a straightforward mission: Teach Skiers a Lifetime Sport.
Rochester Nordic Skiing – Then and Now:
6km ski trail at Eastwood
No high school ski team
RASC is launched
11 km of Nordic ski trails at Quarry Hill and 10km at Essex Park with Volunteer Groomer Teams for each trail system
Gamehaven Park opens with 8km natural trails and 3km of snowmaking trail
117 junior and senior high school team members of Rochester Nordic Ski Team (RNST), from Rochester, Byron, Pine Island, Stewartville, and Zumbrota/Mazeppa. Over 1000 high school members of RNST since its launch in 2002. Practices are 3 days per week during the winter.
50 volunteer RNST ski coaches
14 volunteer RASC groomers at Quarry Hill and Essex
Almost 800 RASC members
Partnering with Rochester Parks & Recreation
The City of Rochester, through its Park and Recreation Department, had developed a master plan for a winter recreation area at Gamehaven Park. That plan resulted in the designation of Gamehaven as a Minnesota Regional Park and led to the allocation of approximately $1.3 million by the Greater Minnesota Parks and Trails Commission (GMPTC) for the purchase of adjacent land needed for park development. The GMPTC looks for strong collaborative public-private commitment in its funding decision and cited RASC’s involvement in development of this park as a key factor in awarding this grant. The overall cost of the fully developed park in the master plan, with full winter and summer amenities will be over $10M and something we realized would take several grant cycles and many years to accomplish.
In 2018, RASC met with the Park & Recreation Department to advocate they accelerate their long term plan to build a winter recreation area at Gamehaven Park. We felt we could not wait 10 years, but instead needed to get snowmaking capabilities launched ASAP to support Rochester’s Nordic skiers and to help attract and retain enthusiastic youth members of RNST during increasingly low-snow winters! RASC agreed to contribute $150,000 toward the total equipment costs of snowmaking equipment at Gamehaven to create a 2.5-3.5km man-made ski trail on an accelerated timeline. RASC also committed to help lay out an additional 9km of Nordic trails which would use natural snow. By 2019, everything was all set to begin, but then the pandemic hit and significantly delayed all aspects of this project.
Snowmaking will finally launch this winter at Gamehaven! This fall, Parks and Recreation has finally managed to obtain all the necessary components for snowmaking (pump, pump house, hoses, and two snow guns) and has installed the necessary power supply. The pumps will obtain chilled water from the Gamehaven reservoir. The P&R have also purchased a large piston bully to allow them to move and groom this snow. Once we have consistent below freezing temperatures, P&R plan to start up the guns and will begin making snow for the 2.5-3.5 km trail!
At this point in time, RASC really needs your help. For the Gamehaven campaign, we are committed to raising $200,000 to help fund the snowmaking effort at Gamehaven, support trail grooming equipment, and support programs for the Rochester Nordic Ski Team. This campaign is an order of magnitude larger than anything we have attempted before, but we believe it will be the foundation to providing winter activities to our community and kids for years to come.
Please email us at RASC.Herbert.OConnor@gmail.com to let us know if you have any questions or would like to meet or connect by phone or zoom to discuss.
Thank you!
David Herbert, RASC President
Michael O’Connor, RASC Past President (2000-2022)