Current & Future Projects
Below are some of our current projects made possible by the support of people like you!
Northern Heights Park
RASC is currently drafting a presentation for the Rochester Park Board to develop single-track, multi-use trails at Northern Heights Park.
Trails at RCTC
RASC is in discussion with Rochester Community & Technical College drafting a proposal to the Rochester Park Board to develop single-track trails following a concept plan created by the International Mountain Biking Association (IMBA).
Spring Brook Valley Project
An effort to claim and preserve a plot of land in SW Rochester historically known as “Spring Brook Valley” for use as a trail system rather than for commercial development.
Snowmaking At Gamehaven
RASC is working with Rochester Parks & Recreation to fund and develop 12 km of cross country ski trails at Gamehaven Park, including 2km that will have snowmaking capabilities to ensure steady snow cover through the winter.