RASC Gamehaven Loopy Loppet
February 15th, 2025
Start at 10:00am
Gamehaven Loopy Loppet!
Enjoy a challenging four-loop course for 10K or an easier two-loop 5K at Rochester Gamehaven Nordic Trails on the snow-making Rattler loop (~2.5K)!
WHAT: Skate and Classic - 10K (four loops), 5K (two loops)
WHEN: Saturday, February 15, 2025
9am Pay fee or late registration
10am First race waves start (10K)
11am Short race waves (5K)
WHERE: Gamehaven Nordic Trail System ( lower lot off 45th St SE )
Register now (click Register button below) and pay $20 at the race (cash, check, or Zelle)
Register at the race and pay $25 (cash, check, or Zelle). Only if you don’t mind filling out forms in the cold!
RNST High School skiers must pre-register but race for free
Registration fees go to Gamehaven Campaign to support the snow-making course we have! Additional donations welcome!
Not interested in racing but would like to help out? Sign up here to volunteer at the race!