RNST Ski Races 2008-2009

Lakeville Meet - Saturday, February 7, 2009 

Seven RNST members participated in the Lakeville Invitational at Kenwood Trail Middle School. Despite Friday's warm temperatures, the overnight temperatures in Lakeville and early morning grooming produced a very good set of trails for the race. This was our skiers first experience with mass-start racing, adding even more excitement to the event!

The meet had separate races for boys and girls in 7th, 8th, 9th, and Junior Varsity.  RNST put in a solid performance with Dayton Miller placing first in the 7th Grade Boys race, Ben Lindberg placing 5th in the 9th Grade Boys race, and Alex Miller placing first in the 9th Grade Girls race. Warmer temperatures, faster snow, and a stronger training base enabled those RNST skiers who had skied the same course on January 16, 2009 to drop their times significantly.


Rochester Nordic Ski Invitational - Tuesday, January 27, 2009 

Overall Results

Winona Meet - Thursday, January 22, 2009 

The RNST enjoyed wonderful temps just about reaching 30 degrees at the Winona ski meet – a great improvement over the near zero degree temps of the last two meets.  Nineteen RNST skiers participated in the exciting 2K x 4 relay at the St. Mary’s University ski trails.  The 2K loop had great snow conditions and beautiful grooming.  A number of the skiers initially thought a 2K race wouldn’t be too hard compared to their previous 5K races, but the faster pace of a shorter course and the motivation of “skiing for the team” ensured that all of the racers were pretty tired after their relay leg.   The girls raced first with a mass start of the 8 teams (5 Winona, 3 Rochester) and the boys were in the 2nd race with 6 teams (4 Winona, 2 Rochester).  Special thanks to ironwomen Kelsey Torchia and Anna Resman who skied two legs without much rest in between to fill out the Rochester relay legs.  Everyone had a lot of fun at the meet, and we’ll do something like this next year.   

    Rochester Results

Lakeville Meet - Friday, January 16, 2009 

The RNST made it through another cold ski meet.  Thirty-nine skiers braved the temps just above 0 degrees plus some wind chill at the Kenwood School ski trails.  About 70% of the course is in the woods which negated the wind chill effect.  Teams from Lakeville North, Lakeville South, and Northfield participated in the meet.  The 5K course was groomed very nicely, though the snow was cold and slow and soft – which made for a good workout for the skiers.  Oh, and the hills didn’t make it any easier!  The course is a nice trail up and down hills through the woods with the first and last sections in open areas around the school.  It’s a very nice course for the Lakeville skiers to train on.  The school was available as a refuge of warmth which was much appreciated while skiers waited for their turn to start the race and to warm back up and change clothes after the race. 

         Overall Results Rochester Results

Maplelag Time Trial - Sunday, January 11, 2009


Winona Meet - Monday, December 22, 2008 

  Overall Results Rochester Results