RNST Ski Races 2012-2013

Chester Woods Team Time Trial - Thursday, February 7, 2013  

In place of the cancelled Rochester Nordic Invite, the ski team held a time trial at Chester Woods Lake on February 7, 2013.  The six inches of snow received the past few days ended the snow drought in Rochester and provided the opportunity to ski once again.  Many thanks to the RASC volunteers who groomed over several days to create a beautiful 2.4K ski trail on the lake.

The 89 skiers arrived at Chester Woods, picked up their bibs, and did a warm-up ski in preparation for the race start. The temperature was a nice 25 degrees at the start of the race, though the gusting 15 mph wind from the north made its presence known.  Most skiers made two laps of the 2.4 ski trail with beginning skiers, who haven't had a chance to be on snow very much this year, having the option to ski one lap.  Even though there are no hills on this course, many skiers probably felt they were going uphill when skiing into the wind.  The long finishing stretch of each lap into the wind wasn't easy!

Adding a twist to the race, two Ians decided to start the race double-poling.  Ian Torchia switched over to freestyle later in the first lap, but Ian Wright persevered with the double-pole technique for the entire 4.8km race.

Skiers were greeted at the finish line by freshly baked cookies from the Sons of Norway group.    


Winona Meet - Sprint Relays - Thursday, January 31, 2013 

Wind, cold, and snow greeted the Rochester Nordic Ski Team as they rolled into Yon's Valley at St. Mary's University on Thursday.  The valley is surrounded on three sides by hills, so it's usually protected from the wind unless it's  coming out of the northwest.  Mother Nature decided to make sure the skiers knew it was cold out there by not only having the temps in the low single digits but also making sure the wind was coming out of the northwest. 

Winona had received a good 4 inches of snow on Wednesday, but the fluffy snow hadn't yet bonded to the icy trails so the 1K man-made snow loop was used for the sprint relays.  Skiers were grouped into somewhat balanced teams of 4 persons with each person skiing 2 loops.  The skiers had to work hard on their 2K relay leg with the cold snow not helping out with the glide.  Everyone did a great job considering this was the first time in 3 weeks for many of the skiers to be on snow.  Congratulations to the 67 team members for a ski well done!

    Rochester Results

Winona Meet - Monday, January 14, 2013 

The Rochester Nordic Ski Team arrived at St. Mary's University excited to see the ribbon of white snow snaking through a desolate wasteland of dirt and ice.  Kudos to the St. Mary's ski trail groomers who spent 6 hours on Sunday making, moving, and grooming snow to provide an opportunity for the skiers to enjoy a ski race.  The 54 Rochester skiers joined the Winona and Red Wing teams for a fun race on a 1 km loop of man-made snow.  

The course consisted of an inner and outer loop with a combined distance of about 1 km.  The varsity skiers skied 5 loops with the junior varsity enjoying 4 loops.  The multiple loops provided great opportunities for spectating and cheering.


Maplelag Time Trial - Saturday, January 5, 2013

The 112 ski team members at Maplelag had two options for time trials - a 3.2 km skate race on the lake or a 4.8 km skate race through the woods on Skaters Waltz.  Six skiers decided to double their fun and do two laps of the 4.8 km course.  Despite the low snow conditions, Maplelag's excellent grooming provided the racers with great race courses.  Temps in the high teens were comfortable for racing.  Skiers from Breck and Visitation high schools also joined in the fun.   

Skater’s Waltz Time Trial (4.8K) Lake Time Trial (3.2K)

Winona Meet - Saturday, December 22, 2012 

Taking advantage of the newly fallen snow, the Rochester Nordic Ski Team traveled to Winona on Saturday, December 22 for a short notice ski race with the Winona ski team.  Great conditions and a nicely groomed trail greeted the 48 skiers when they arrived at the St. Mary's University ski trails. 

Instead of skiing the typical 5K race course, skiers did two loops of about a 2.4 K course.  This took out the tough ending uphill on the 5K course, but provided the opportunity for skiers to do the long 1K uphill twice!  The two loop course also gave the spectators a chance to cheer on the skiers halfway through the race.

Despite few times on snow, the RNST skiers did a fine job on the ski course - especially the first time skiers who've hardly been on skis more than 2 or 3 times.   Sunshine and temps in the low 20s made for ideal conditions for racing.  A great way to spend the first day of Christmas vacation.

Rochester Results