RNST Ski Races 2011-2012

Winona Ski Meet - Tuesday, January 31, 2012 

The Rochester Nordic Ski Team traveled to Winona on Tuesday, January 31,  for a ski meet at the St. Mary's University ski trails.  Sunny skies and 45 degree temperatures greeted the 87 RNST skiers as they stepped off the buses.  Skiers had to trudge through the sand of a volleyball court but eventually found the man-made snow of the starting loop.  The Winona team set up a 2K course leading 1K up the valley and then 1K down the valley back to the starting loop.  Skiers skated two laps for the 4K race.  Skiers were thankful to be able to participate in another ski race as snow conditions continue to rapidly deteriorate.   

         Overall Results Rochester Results

Rochester Nordic Ski Invitational - Friday, January 27, 2012 

Skiers from Northfield, Prior Lake, and Winona joined 110 RNST members on an enjoyable tour of the Eastwood Golf course.   232 skiers completed a 4.4 K course in the freestyle technique with the varsity skiers adding the woods trail section for a 5.8 K ski.  33 degree temperatures made for soft snow conditions, but everyone was quite happy to see white in this low-snow winter.  

    Overall Results

Winona Relays - Monday, January 16, 2012 

The Rochester Nordic Ski Team headed to St. Mary's University for a ski relay event with the Winona team.  The snow depth was not sufficient to hold a race on the ski trails, but with the help of Winona's snow making system, the relays were held on a man-made snow loop about 800m long.

The 87 ski team members were separated into two-person teams.  The first person skied a couple of laps and then tagged off to their teammate who skied two laps.  This sequence was then repeated one or two more times.  In the varsity competition, each person skied two laps three different times resulting in a 9.6 km race for the team.  In the junior varsity competition, each person skied two laps the first time and one lap the second time for a total of 6 laps (4.8 km) for the two-person team.  This was a fun format which the RNST had never experienced before.

The Winona team did a great job preparing the course and even groomed several times during the event.  Temps right around freezing made for very comfortable conditions for the skiers. 

  Overall Varsity Results Rochester Results

Maplelag Time Trial - Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Rochester Nordic Ski Team held a time trial during the Maplelag Ski Camp.  Due to low snow conditions, the time trial was held on the lake.  The approximately 3.5K course was set up so that skiers would double pole for a section and then skate a section.  This pattern was skied three times on the race course.  Ninety four RNST team members and several Visitation High School skiers skied the lake course under sunny skies with temps in the low 30's.

Several ski team members participated Sunday morning in a 4.85 K time trial on the Skater's Waltz trail where the time trial has been held in previous years.  Skiers enjoyed a firm, fast course with comfortable temps in the upper 20s. 

Skater’s Waltz Time Trial (4.8K) Lake Time Trial (3.2K)