RNST Ski Races 2013-2014

Northfield Meet - Tuesday, February 11, 2014  

The Rochester Nordic Ski Team headed to Northfield to ski the trails at Carleton College.  Northfield and Redwing joined 34 skiers from the RNST for a 4.7K tour of the open fields and woods of the Upper Arboretum.  Great course conditions helped take the skiers' minds off the single digit temps and gusty winds.  The racers once again had the chance to practice their mass start technique.    

          Overall Results Rochester Results

Winona Meet - Thursday, February 6, 2014 

Along with skiers from Winona and Red Wing, 58 RNST members zipped along the trails at St. Mary's University on an approximately 4K race course.  Sunshine, slight winds, and climbing a long hill twice made for comfortable skiing despite the 5 degree temperature. A firm skate lane was a nice change from the soft snow conditions of the previous two meets.   

Overall Results Rochester Results

Red Wing Invite - Thursday, January 30, 2014 

The Rochester Nordic Ski Team ventured to Red Wing's Mississippi National Golf Links to participate in a meet with Northfield, Red Wing, and Winona.  At this new meet venue for the RNST,  68 skiers traversed a 4.6 K course on the golf course and through the adjoining woods.  A fresh 6 inches of snow just hours before the race made for a winter wonderland but a lot of work for the skiers.  


Rochester Nordic Ski Invitational - Friday, January 24, 2014

The Rochester Nordic Ski Invitational was held at the Eastwood Golf Course on Friday, January 24, 2014.  A total of 172 skiers participated in the race with 104 RNST members joining skiers from Northfield, Red Wing, and Winona.  The skiers raced a 5 K meandering trail on the golf course in the freestyle technique.  The weather was a balmy 30 degrees - quite a change from the below zero weather just 24 hours before.  Gusty west winds and soft snow conditions made it slow going for the skiers.  Congratulations to the Girls Varsity and Junior Varsity teams who earned team championships!   


Maplelag Time Trial - Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Maplelag Ski Weekend was the setting for a 4.8K time trial on the Skater's Waltz trail.  Fantastic course conditions with temps in the mid 20s made for a very enjoyable "tour" on the trail.  The 94 Rochester skiers were joined by 17 skiers from Blake high school who were also at Maplelag  


Winona Invite - Thursday, December 19, 2013 

Over 50 skiers from the Rochester Nordic Ski Team traveled to Winona to participate in the Winona Invite at the St. Mary's University ski trails.  The Redwing Nordic Ski Team also joined in the fun.  Despite the lack of snow in southeastern Minnesota, the snowmaking operations at St. Mary's provided a nice approx 1.5K loop for the race.  The varsity skiers did three loops and the junior varsity skied two loops.  
