Rochester Nordic Ski Team Coaches Corner
If you are interested in learning more about being an RNST Coach, please contact Head Coach, David Herbert at dherbert4320@gmail.com
Date Name
10/07/19 Argo, Katherine
12/14/19 Baum, Curtis
11/05/23 Baranczyk Shawn
11/20/22 Behrends, Mark
10/11/23 Bennett, Jim
10/08/17 Berg, Kevin
10/05/25 Billings, Noah
11/21/23 Bothun, Darald
11/26/23 Cattaneo, Roberto
09/01/19 Derauf, Chris
01/11/24 Dewey, Erin
09/06/11 Ehling, Paul
10/14/19 Felton, Steve
12/05/23 Furst, Joey
10/21/23 Gyura, Joe
12/05/23 Hale, Curt
10/29/23 Herbert, David
09/13/19 Hocraffer, Henry
11/16/22 Holmes, Mike
9/23/23 Holmes, Sarah
11/01/18 Johnson, Nick
01/26/21 Johnson, Sarah H
11/12/24 Kall, Mikaela
01/04/17 Karsten, Leah
11/22/23 Keillor, Joey
11/24/21 Kennedy, Nate
10/25/23 Knapp, Barry
12/19/24 Luetmer, Marienne
10/25/23 MacCarty, Robert
01/03/21 Manulik, Bob
RNST Policies and Training for Coaches
RASC Membership: All RNST coaches must be members of RASC. For liability reasons it is important that all coaches be members of RASC as that is the umbrella organization that provides insurance coverage for all RNST activities. If you are NOT a RASC member, you can join up here.
Policies - Athlete Safety & Abuse Prevention (Updated 12-1-21): All coaches are asked to review the RNST Policies for Coaches. Once you have reviewed the Policies, please send an email to David Herbert at dherbert4320@gmail.com, indicating "I have reviewed and understand the RNST Policies for Coaches." Below are links to the RNST Policies for coaches.
PDF Link to the RNST policy Word document link to the RNST policy
Medical Emergencies during RNST Practice: While we hope not to have any severe injuries or medical issues occur during practice, it is important to have a plan in place should a situation arise with a skier. This ensures that the affected skier has their coach with them as they go back to base and that there’s a plan for the other skiers in the group. Below is a brief summary of the current plan for a medical emergency
Concussion Training Module: While head injuries are extremely rare in nordic skiing, it is good to know what to do should a skier crash and bang their head. Below is a link to the on-line training modules on concussion. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) module takes about 30 minutes and is quite comprehensive. State law now requires all high school coaches take some training in concussion and we believe that it is important for all of us to take the course as well. When you do take it, please let Michael O'Connor (mkoconnor@mayo.edu) know.
Step-by-Step Guide to Online Concussion Training
Asthma Training Module: An asthma action plan or AAP is an individualized plan created in collaboration between a patient and their health care provider. While almost all AAP’s direct the use of an albuterol inhaler for symptoms – there can be differences in doses and frequency. There are many different AAP’s available but the majority use a green, yellow, red format to categorize and relay information. It doesn’t happen often but best practices for asthma means a coach should technically have an AAP for any player who has asthma. That action plan will tell you what symptoms may appear for a single player if their asthma is flaring up and what medication (albuterol or levalbuteral) to use and how much or how often to use it. The biggest problem is that many coaches don’t know some of their players have asthma – then when they start having some rather startling symptoms, the coach didn’t know what to do, or they might have known but the player didn’t have any albuterol/rescue inhaler with them. Here’s the web page describing an AAP along with a copy you can download. We will be asking parents for a copy from their health provider. All kids with asthma should have an AAP – it’s a requirement in MN that all prescribing providers provide one.
Asthma Training Module
The following is a list of coaches who have completed the asthma training module
Date Name
09/19/19 Gyura, Joe
12/5/23 Hale, Curt
11/24/21 Kennedy, Nate
08/04/20 Knapp, Barry
01/03/21 Manulik, Bob
01/04/21 McBride, Catherine
11/14/23 Rabe, Joan
11/09/21 Reynolds, Austin
01/30/22 Sadecki, Wayne
10/29/19 Trantow, Mike
02/03/21 Webber, Grant
11/12/24 Welch, Robb
11/17/24 Wollan, Peter
Date Name
11/22/24 Maves, Peter
01/03/21 McBride, Catherine
12/4/22 Mitchell, Robert
12/07/18 Napton, Ella
01/05/17 Nath, Dan
10/15/24 O'Connor, Michael
11/8/23 O'Shaughnessy, Maureen
10/16/21 Ostby, Brett
12/9/22 Peter, Rich
10/24/22 Peikert, Tobias
11/11/24 Rabe, Joan
08/31/21 Ratelle, Jacob
10/16/16 Resman, John
11/09/21 Reynolds, Austin
12/03/15 Rinkleff, Franz
08/01/19 Russell, Luke
01/30/22 Sadecki, Wayne
11/28/24 Sortland, Anna
01/29/21 Suriano, Piersan
10/29/19 Trantow, Mike
11/10/23 Van Camp, Kelly
11/27/23 Vondrashek, Rose
10/24/16 Walker, Henry
02/03/21 Webber, Grant
10/06/20 Welch, Robb
01/09/17 Whipple, Danny
09/08/20 Wollan, Peter
10/21/23 Wood, Andy
11/21/19 Ziegler, Chris